Sunday, June 7, 2009

a great date.

The weather in Kentucky on a day like this is unbeatable. I went to Church this morning and the preacher preached about Abner's death, and how it relates to us. He said that just like Abner, we have a city of refuge in God (He gave the background on Abner and the Law of the Avenger and cities of refuge). Its sad that people die all the time just like Abner, knowing there is a place of refuge, but chosing to stay outside of it when our avenger could be there at any moment.

After Church, I came back to my fiance's family's house and enjoyed some time alone. His mom and little brother went out of town to visit someone in the hospital and do some shopping. His dad fell asleep rather quickly watching Gladiator. My fiance had to work today until 5. I was looking so forward to him getting off from work because we were going to celebrate our anniversary tonight. Three years and some odd days ago we went on our first date to the drive in. Every year since we have been to the drive in as our anniversary date. Yesterday was actually the anniversary of when we started dating, but we had agreed to go out tonight becasue his friend's bachelor party was last night.

While I waited on him I sat out by the pool and caught some rays. I have to admit I might have set out there too long considering how light complected I am. I read some from Breaking Dawn and splashed my feet in the water. It felt amazing. After that, I came inside and watched Night at the Museum because the second movie would be playing at the drive in. I wanted to be prepared. After that I resumed reading in my book until Travis got home.

He had suprised me earlier when he said he was on call for the night (he's a deputy). We had decided to go on and go out anyway. We ordered a pizza and went on our way. The first feature was UP and I loved it. The second was Night at the Museum 2-it was great too. I enjoyed this time with my sweetheart so much. We laughed and giggled and held hands. I am so blessed to have this man in my life.

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